18. TrooRa Magazine The Women’s Issue Spring ’23

“We are uniting our tribe, so raise your hand and gather with us!”

NURTURING THE WHOLE WOMAN, FROM 18 TO 80 Speakers come from a wide range of backgrounds and ages. This is intentional, as the goal is to promote cross- generational conversation. “Our tagline is, ‘Whether you are 18 or 80, The Best Me Conference is for you.’ This is not just something that sounds good; it truly represents our target audience. Black women need community. Our speakers and attendees range in age, and no matter your age or background, you will walk away feeling celebrated and inspired. We are geared to meet the Black woman in her current state of being, whatever that is. Our topics, speakers, and workshops are created with this in mind,” she says. The Best Me Conference also discusses various aspects of

Black women’s lives: health and wellness, self-esteem, career empowerment, love and family relationships. “As women and human beings, we are multi-faceted. We are body, soul, and spirit, and if one area is suffering, our entire being suffers. We felt it was critical that in order to be healthy whole women, we needed our entire well-being nurtured. Our topics reflect this,” says Jennings. CHANGING WOMEN’S LIVES After the last Best Me conference, many women reached out to Jennings to share how the conference made a difference for them. Two, in particular, come to her mind. One attendee shared that the conference inspired her to run for public office. She


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