18. TrooRa Magazine The Women’s Issue Spring ’23

"I needed to choose the hard way to challenge myself and bring out my full potential and the best of me, and that's what I did. I built my own website in 23 hours, did my own product photography, and registered my own trademark. When you have big dreams, nothing can stop you, even when your cash is limited. Starting her company a few months before the pandemic was also not easy. "One thing that I would do differently is to share more behind the scenes with my audience and to not be so hard on myself. When I started my business, I sold my car and left my corporate job. For a year, I delivered the bags to the post office on my road bike. I became vegetarian to save money and did not buy myself a cup of coffee for a year. So yeah, definitely do not be so hard on myself!" The biggest lesson that she has learned is to believe in herself and have integrity and build trust with anything she does. SOURCES OF SUPPORT Mavis says that being an entrepreneur can be a lonely journey, but one must always stay focused and be one's own biggest cheerleader. Other sources of support for Mavis include her parents and her business mentor, Robert Uno. He continually reminds her of her purpose in running Mavis by Herrera. "I find my supporters based on shared values, and that leads to incredible things and more impact," says Mavis.



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