17. TrooRa Magazine The Black History Issue Special ’23

THE PROCESS OF CREATING It’s undeniable that Modisakeng’s art is abundant with symbolism. Born from intuition and memories that linger on, Modisakeng’s creations are both provocative and breathtakingly powerful. His creative process is multilayered, and symbolism plays a significant role in this. Motivated by global contexts and influenced by the spiritual dimension of his culture, Modisakeng’s inspiration often comes from visions or messages that transcend the physical world. Modisakeng honors the knowledge passed down for generations through rituals and symbols that add depth to his works. “There is a reservoir of knowledge that has been kept and passed on through cultures and traditions that have been in practice for thousands of years on the African continent. In my own experience, this knowledge is channeled through oral history, customs, rituals, and rites of passage. In the space of spirituality, the living commune with ancestral memory through divination and dreams. The language of spirits in the Southern African context derives from the images and network of relations we generate in the subconscious state. Many of my works have departed from visions.” Modisakeng uses a variety of mediums to express his concepts and visions. Sculpture, photography, film, installations, and performance are some of the mediums he has used to achieve the best vessel to convey his message.

Modisakeng first started exploring with a self-portraiture project that allowed him to play around with a variety of concepts, using his image and, later, photography as a way to visualize other characters and contexts. “Over time, the way I frame subjects extended to include other figures, characters, and people that help to anchor various narratives. But at various points, I explored the use of different mediums, so one could say the practice has been ever evolving as some ideas might demand physical objects in space, cinema, or canvas.” His style continually evolves and shifts, almost guided by where the different creations take him. When asked what drives him toward performance, Modisakeng reflects that performance is sometimes the best vessel to deliver works that touch memory and spirituality. “In some instances, an idea calls for a performance. Where space, object, body, and witnesses conspire to create a particular place in time. The ephemeral and resonant nature of a performance allows one to experiment with time and space to mark moments in powerful ways.”


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