17. TrooRa Magazine The Black History Issue Special ’23

An Insider’s Look Into Mohau Modisakeng’s World and All Its Intricacies

M aking waves in the international art world is contemporary artist Mohau Modisakeng. Through different channels, including photography, installations, video, and performance, Modisakeng explores the depth of the impact of a post-colonial Africa and how the violent past of South Africa presents itself in today’s society, using symbolism and the black body as a tool to express his messages. Modisakeng aims to restore the collective memory of Africa, specifically South Africa, while challenging us to own our truths, reevaluate our roles in this civilization, and question the narratives imposed by colonialism. An award-winning artist, Modisakeng has showcased his art in many different countries, from South Africa to the United States, as he continues to expand its reach. His work transcends multiple realities and has the ability to create a connection between different communities around the world by paralleling experiences of displacement, segregation, and oppression that are familiar to so many people across the globe.

GROWING UP IN SOUTH AFRICA Born in South Africa in 1986, Modisakeng grew up under the Apartheid regime when oppression and violence were the norm for people of color living in South Africa. Originally from Soweto, a township on the outskirts of Johannesburg, Modisakeng’s upbringing played a significant role in his journey through art and life. “We lived in an informal settlement where most of the violence played itself out between neighbors, opposing parties, different ethnicities, blacks, and the white government. I grew up witnessing and being subjected to the social repression of a colonial power that was threatened by a mass revolt.” From an early age, Modisakeng was intrigued by art and the beautiful intricacies of purely creating. Even before starting school, young Modisakeng was the type of child that would draw on any possible blank space or surface he could find. His parents quickly noticed that he was an artsy kid and provided nourishment to feed his creative soul. He started using pencils and oil pastels and experimenting with the world of art. He reminisces about when his curiosity for art and how different elements can shape and influence it started developing: “I recall a ‘mural’ I drew on a rusted metal sheet that made up part of our house. I used broken pieces of oil pastels to draw on the wall and would notice the various images were changing over the seasons as warmer temperatures would melt the oil pastel marks, making new images.” As Modisakeng grew, so did his passion for the visual arts. He eventually went on to study fine art at the Michaelis School of Fine Art in Cape Town in 2009, where he also completed his Fine Arts Master Degree in 2014.

Mohau Modisakeng


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