17. TrooRa Magazine The Black History Issue Special ’23

BECOME A CONSCIOUS GLOBAL CITIZEN & SHOW MORE CARE FOR OUR WORLD According to Global Citizen, it is predicted that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the world’s oceans than fish. Serious action is needed to keep the planet clean and healthy for all life to enjoy. As a member of the world population, each and every person must take action to support the environment. “It was in Nauru where it really clicked for me that we’ve got to stop using all this plastic. Nauru is the world’s third- smallest country in Micronesia. It is tiny—it takes about 45 minutes to ride around the island on a motorbike, and it’s one of the world’s least-visited countries. But there was all this waste underwater. When you go to other countries where the West is sending their waste, you really see the damage all that single-use plastic is taking on waterways, lakes, rivers,” Jessica mentioned in her interview with Adventure. It was during her visit to Nauru she decided she needed to speak out against the widespread use of plastic. Since then, Jessica has become conscious of sustainability. “I fly with a reusable cup. I don't ever use plastic on airplanes, and I always have my water bottle, and I fill it at the airport before I get on the plane. Little things, like carrying your cup with you, can really help to reduce that waste, which ultimately leads to more sustainability for the planet.” Jessica explained that curbing the planet’s plastic waste problem is one thing individuals can start working toward, even at home, through small changes in their everyday actions.


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